Critical Investigation: Essay Plan

To what extent do films such as the 'The Hunger Games' film series prove that gender stereotypes are being increasingly subverted in the film industry?

Introduction (200 words)
Section 1 (250 words)
Historical Text 1 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Section 2 (450 words)
Primary Text - 'The Hunger Games' series (2012-2015)
  • In this section's opening paragraph I aim to focus on just how strongly the character of Katniss subverts the female stereotypes which have generally been reinforced in society for centuries.
  • This will precede my textual analysis which focuses on the representation of both males and females in a particular scene in the last film in the series, and I'll also try and include examples of potential uses and gratifications (particularly in regards to female characters) that come out of seeing female characters portrayed in such a contrasted yet empowering way.
  • "Women and girl hunters account for the growth of hunting sports" - The Economist 2006; 2013; 'Hunting Girls', Kelly Oliver, 2016
  • "Our prepubescent protagonist, a tough no nonsense teenager, is more comfortable wearing hunting clothes and boots than a prom dress and heels." - 'Hunting Girls', Kelly Oliver, 2016
  • "Their own status as prey is camouflaged by their position as predators in relation to the animals upon which they prey." - 'Hunting Girls', Kelly Oliver, 2016
Section 3 (200 words)
Secondary Text - Billy Elliot (2000)
Section 4 (200 words)
Historical Text 2 - Calamity Jane (1953)


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